Vengeance (uitverkocht)

21.00 | dutch hardrock | classic heavy rock | presented by H&H concerts | 10,-


VENGEANCE is the brand for genuine Dutch hard rock.
With recognizable riffs and melodic guitar violence, VENGEANCE continues to delight many fans at home and abroad. And the following is still growing after 40 years.

VENGEANCE stands for Classic Heavy Rock at its finest.
The insane super frontman Leon Goewie drives himself and his band high into the rockin’ heaven.

VENGEANCE released classic albums in the 80s such as We Have Ways To Make You Rock, Take It Or Leave It and Arabia with producer Oscar Holleman. In 1997 the album Back from Flight 19 was released with veteran Jan Somers (†) and Peter ‘Peer’ Verschuren, Arjen Lucassen, Barend Courbois and Paul Thissen (†).

From 1997 to 2001, VENGEANCE toured full throttle. At the end of 2005, Leon Goewie and good friend producer, singer and guitarist Michael Voss (including Mad Max, Bonfire) and a large number of guest musicians (Accept, Ayreon, Sinner, Sleeze Beez, Paul Sabu, Casanova and Warlock) released the masterful (by praised to the skies by critics and fans worldwide) come-back album Back In The Ring was recorded.

The first live album Same, Same…But Different was released in December 2007 and the album Soul Collector was released at the end of January 2009. After Soul Collector, the album Chrystal Eye (2012) was recorded and then the CD Piece of Cake (2013).

Leon has also collaborated with many other artists in addition to VENGEANCE. His unique voice and indomitable energy are unmistakably present with every collaboration.

VENGEANCE celebrates its 40th Anniversary!!! See you on the road…

Line Up:
Leon Goewie – Vocals
Gert Nijboer – Guitar
Serge Naberman – Guitar
John Emmen – Drums
Johnny Dooms – Bass

Fri 30 May